TEC Certification
MTCTE (Mandatory Testing & Certification of Telecommunication Equipment)
Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications has notified “Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Rules” in Gazette of India vide G.S.R. 1131(E) PART XI” on 5th September 2017 which prescribes for Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecommunication Equipment. Any telegraph which is used or capable of being used with any telegraph established, maintained, or worked under the license granted by the Central Government in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), shall have to undergo prior mandatory testing and certification in respect of parameters as determined by the telegraph authority from time to time.
Objectives of MTCTE
- That any Telecom Equipment does not degrade performance of existing network to which it is connected;
- Safety of the end–users;
- Protection of users and general public by ensuring that radio frequency emissions from equipment do not exceed prescribed standards;
- That telecom equipment complies with the relevant national and international regulatory standards and requirements.
The testing and certification envisaged in this procedure ensures that the equipment meets all TEC prescribed Essential Requirements. The quality and reliability of equipment is not part of this procedure, hence, the same is not guaranteed through this certification. OEMs / dealers themselves will be responsible for necessary quality and reliability criteria claimed by them. Any equipment to be used in the network of Licensed Telecom Service Providers/ Internet Service Providers/Virtual Network Operators etc. may have to undergo additional tests as specified in License.
Why Needs TEC (MTCTE) Certification
TEC (Telecom Engineering Centre) Registration / Certification is given to a Telecom Equipment which will be interfaced with Indian Telecom network.
Any Original Equipment Manufacturer or Importer, who wants to sell, import, or use any telecom equipment in India, must obtain TEC Certificate from Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC India), Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, Government of India.
Process of MTCTE Certification
- Registration of Applicant on the TEC Portal
- Choose Testing Labs and Submit the Physical Samples for Testing
- Submit Requisite Application Fee on the Portal
- Submission of the Test Reports
- Scrutiny of the documents and Test wise Compliances/ Test reports by the TEC officials and Grant of the Certificate.
TECHNICAL REGULATIONS /Test reports required for MTCTE
The technical regulations prescribed under this framework are in the form of Essential Requirements. The Essential Requirements (ER) to be compiled for the purpose of certification under this procedure will include following:
- EMI/ EMC: As prescribed by TEC
- Safety: As prescribed by TEC
- Technical requirements: As prescribed by TEC
- Other requirements: As notified by TEC/ DoT/ any Government Agency from time to time
- Security Requirements: As per notification issued by DoT.
Required Documents From OEM/ Applicant for MTCTE Certification
- Factory Registration Licence in Local as well as in English Language.
- Brand/ Trademark Registration Certificate and Brand authorization Letter if the Brand is owned by other than the Manufacturer
- Soft copy of the marking label of the product.
- RF (Radio Frequency) Test Report which is accredited and with required standards.
- Sample(s) along with user manual
- Safety critical components list.
- PCB layout and circuit diagram of the product.
- Mains power / SMPS Layout and circuit diagram.
- Supporting documents for validation of series formation and selection of lead samples for testing.
- BOM Bill of Material
- Operating Manual and Testing Procedure of the Product
Documents required for OEM and AIR registration on TEC Portal
The MTCTE portal account can be created by:
- Indian Original Equipment Manufacturers: Indian companies or firm manufacturing Telecommunication products in India. The documents required for registration are:
a). Registration certificate: The acceptable document is either the Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Registrar of companies in case of a company or Partnership Deed in case of a firm or Establishment License wherein the address, business description, and activity are specified in case of a single owner proprietorship.
b). Authorization Letter: A letter of authorization given by the OEM company/firm to authorize a person to carry out MTCTE related work on its behalf. - Indian Authorized Indian Representative: Companies or firms in India importing telecommunication Equipment’s of a foreign OEM. The documents required for registration are:
a). Registration certificate: Same as OEM
b). Authorization Letter: A letter of authorization given by the AIR company/firm to authorize a person to carry out MTCTE related work on its behalf.
c). Affidavit in prescribed format or MOU between AIR & foreign OEM shall contain the prescribed clauses.
d). AIR Authorization Letter: The authorization letter issued by Foreign OEM to AIR clearly authorizing the AIR to carry MTCTE related work in India on its behalf with validity, if any shall explicitly be mentioned.
Costing and Timeline of MTCTE Certification
For Complete costing of TEC Certification contact with us on +91-7217698176, +91-9818668176
Types of MTCTE Certificate
- Regular certificate issued if a product complies to all parameters of essential requirements ER
- Provisional certificate it issued if some parameters of applicable ER have been exempted
- Issue certificate which are kept in abeyance temporary are not valid till released
Validity of the MTCTE Certificate
The Validity of a Generally issued Certificate is For Ten Years. Its validity also depends on the type of Issued Certificate.
For More information Contact with us on +91-7217698176, +91-9818668176
Renewal of the MTCTE Certificate
For renewal, a Certificate holder must apply online and pay the renewal fee, at least one month prior to expiry of the current certificate’s validity period.
A certificate shall be renewed only if there is no change in the Essential Requirements applicable to the equipment, and there is no change in the equipment model.
After evaluation of the renewal application, a fresh certificate valid for another Ten years shall be issued, indicating the previous certificate number thereon.
TEC may call for re-testing / re-evaluation of certified telecom equipment and charge the relevant fee, should the need arise to check on the compliance of the equipment to the ERs.
How to use the Logo of TEC on the Telecom devices?
List of the Products Covered under MTCTE Certification
Products Covered Under TEC Registration